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We are Divest AS

Your friendly family investment fund

Divest is the investment branch of the empire.

I invest in publicly traded companies and index funds as well as individual angel investments, some of which are listed below.

Investments #

Amplitude Ventures (2024) #

Helping creators and producers in the music industry achieving success by leveraging the newest and best technology.

Mandelhuset (2023) #

Creating exquisite food and great experiences based on locally sourced ingredients. As well as being a cornerstone of the local community on the island I originate from.

Proptly (2022) #

Creating a modern, next generation digital platform for connecting producers, installers and customers.

AWSM (2021) #

My dear friend Arve’s organizational culture consultancy. If more companies would operate in the way Arve believes in I would also be easier to employ, hint hint ;)

Elenovations (2017) #

Elenovations is a Norwegian GreenTech company providing an innovative new technology, which by a revolutionary, novel and sustainable method stimulates plants to grow faster with better quality, while using significantly less resources.